Carnegie Mellon University

Electrical and Computer Engineering

College of Engineering

Course Information

18-624: Special Topics in Chip Design: Intro to Open-Source FPGA and ASIC Chip Design




Access to chip design tools has recently bloomed with the introduction and quality improvements made to open-source tools. This course will provide the knowledge to use these tools to design chips for FPGA or ASIC flows. The tools and their theory are explored. Through plenty of hands-on usage and exploration, students will be empowered to create designs ready for implementation as real chips. The course intends to tapeout student designs, resulting in the eventual delivery of fully packaged chips to each student.

Last Modified: 2024-11-20 12:48PM

Current session:

This course is currently being offered.

Semesters offered:

  • Spring 2025
  • Spring 2023