Carnegie Mellon University

Electrical and Computer Engineering

College of Engineering

Course Information

18-729A: Special Topics in Circuits: Design of Radiation Hardened Integrated Circuits




This course covers the design of integrated circuits for radiation environments. The effects of radiation events on integrated circuits has been previously relegated to niche designs intended for space, aerospace, and military applications, but with the large-scale dense deployment of microelectronics systems in data centers and high-consequence systems (e.g., medical equipment, self-driving cars), understanding and countering radiation effects will become ever more critical for the design of microelectronics. The course covers types of radiation, sources of radiation, radiation effects on integrated circuits, and techniques for radiation tolerance/hardening. We will explore countermeasures at the process, device, layout, circuit, micro-architecture, architecture, system, software, and algorithms levels. Additionally, the course covers techniques and metrology for evaluation of countermeasure effectiveness and system robustness. Coursework will focus on a series of labs and a final project.

Recommended: 18-320, 18-447

Prerequisites: 18-220, 18-240

Last Modified: 2025-01-16 12:11PM

Current session:

This course is currently being offered.

Semesters offered:

  • Spring 2025