Course Information
18-733: Applied Cryptography
A wide array of communication and data protections employ cryptographic mechanisms. This course explores modern cryptographic techniques in some detail. The course emphasizes how cryptographic mechanisms can be effectively used within larger security systems, and the dramatic ways in which cryptographic mechanisms can fail. Topics covered include cryptographic primitives such as symmetric encryption, public key encryption, digital signatures, message authentication codes, hash functions, commitments, and pseudo-random number generators. The course also covers cryptographic protocols, such as key exchange, remote user authentication, and interactive proof systems; threshold cryptography, oblivious transfers and secure multi-party computations; perfectly secure encryption and universal hash functions. The course also covers a variety of special applications including computing on encrypted data. Senior or graduate standing required.
Last Modified: 2024-11-21 4:52PM
Current session:
This course is currently being offered.
Semesters offered:
- Spring 2025
- Spring 2024
- Spring 2022
- Spring 2021
- Spring 2020
- Spring 2019
- Spring 2018
- Spring 2017
- Spring 2016
- Spring 2015
- Spring 2014
- Spring 2013
- Spring 2012
- Spring 2011
- Spring 2010
- Spring 2009
- Spring 2008
- Spring 2007
- Spring 2006
- Spring 2005
- Spring 2004